
Unclogging our drain - gross!

Even though I've cut my hair shorter, I still shed like a maniac. As in, should-have-been-bald-12-years-ago kind of shedding. This wreaks havoc on our drains, especially since they do not have a "hair trap". A few weeks ago, after getting sick of standing in a bathtub full of water during showers, Daniel decided to give the old drain-o a try. The tub drained noticeably faster, but still was not 100%. "Oh well, that will have to be good enough." Later that week we were browsing Walmart and stumbled across the greatest inventions ever. At $2.47, we had to give it a try. I introduce..... the Zip It.


It is a long, think plastic "arm" with little spikes along each side. You push it down into the drain as far as it will go, and it grabs all the hair and gunk on the way out. Here is what ours pulled out in one try (AFTER the drain-o)


Disgusting? Absolutely. Amazing? Yes. I have found my new love.