
New Camera

We bought a new camera today - we wanted something with more capabilities than the point and shoot that we currently have. After a fair amount of research we settled on the Sony NEX-5. This is a VERY compact camera which was pretty important for us for when we travel. The other benefit is that it has interchangeable lenses and larger image sensor similar to a larger DSLR camera which provides a significant boost in image quality. A few test shots from today click the images for larger view, they might take a second to load as the files are quite large:
Jordan and I intend to take a couple classes so we can be sure we're getting the most out of the camera.

Facebook Invites

Last night I sent my first ever facebook invite to all of the suggested list that facebook had for me. I also pulled any contacts out of my google account that have accounts and my AIM account. Unfortunately, I forgot to keep track of exactly how many were sent and facebook doesn't provide that information. Probably so you don't see the count at a later date and realize that 78% of people you invite ignore you. Luckily I do receive an email when someone accepts which means I have SOME data.

Through the magic of array formulas, google spreadsheets, html, and too much time on my hands - the above graph will keep up to date when I add data.

ode to xkcd

xkcd is a webcomic i've been reading since my mid (early?) college years. I've read the entire set of comics all the way through on at least two occasions that i can think of. The content is incredibly geeky so many might not get it/like it/care about it at all. However, for those that are fans, the video below is fun. Speaking of kite photography that might be something interesting to take up this spring/summer. A quick google search tell me that there will be plenty of info on how to get started... anyway, enjoy the vid

I Love xkcd from NoamR on Vimeo.