
"The Conversation"

I have officially had “the conversation” that I’ve heard other people talk about having. You know, the one where you tell your mom that you’re quitting your job, selling all of your stuff, and leaving everything you know behind to travel the world. Only mine was a little different, since my mom has known that these were my intentions for the past 3 years or so, and has overall been very supportive. It all started with a pair of running shorts.

Me: “I had to return the running shorts that you got me, they pilled in the crotch. They didn’t have any more in stock, so I just got a store credit”

Mom: “You should get a pair of sweatpants, they would be great for your trip”


Me: “ummm, why would I need sweatpants for the trip?”

Mom: “Since you’ll be spending a lot of time in airports and hotels on your vacation, and those places usually keep the air conditioning really cold”

Then it hit me. Even though my mom knew about the trip, and I had explained that we are taking very little and not staying in the nicest places, she didn’t get it. After talking for awhile, it became clear that she was thinking of the trip as a year long series of vacations back to back to back. You know, go to a country and vacation for awhile, fly to the next, and so on. When I explained that we would be doing most of our travel overland in busses or trains, it promped some questions.

Mom: “You’re at least going to stay in decent hotels though, right?”

…*more crickets*…

Me: “Not exactly.” I then explained the basics of hostels and couch surfing.

Mom: “Oh. My. God. Please be careful! There won’t be strangers in the same room with you, right? I don’t want anything bad to happen to you. I’m going to be worried sick! Now I understand why you need all of those crazy travel shots. Please make sure you get all of your shots. I don’t want you coming down with some crazy disease. Oh my god. I am getting a migraine. Does your dad know about this? I am exhausted. I need to lay down. Oh my god. When you said you weren’t staying in nice places, I was thinking maybe the Red Roof Inn instead of the Hilton. I had no idea. Oh. My. God. I will have to call you back.”

I did my best to paint the trip into a positive light and explain it a little more, but she was already beyond freaking out. I sent her a preview for the movie A Map for Saturday and told her to watch it. She ended up calling me back after she saw it and once she had time to calm down. Now she’s starting to understand the trip and why it is so important to me, and is still supportive. Nonetheless, it was an interesting conversation. The kind that up until this point, I had only read about.

Moving WP Installation

I'f you're moving your WP installation from one host to another and part of that move is to change from Apache to Nginx for you web server, always remember to add the following to your Nginx config: try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php;

The site was working pretty well - images loaded, homepage looked great, etc but not having that line meant that whenever you clicked on a post title you'd get a page not found. With so many changes going on I spent a while going down entirely different avenues (including DB stuff) but it turned out that wasn't the case.

A general summary of my steps:

0. Install wordpress on new server 1. Backup DB and wp-content on old server 2. Import DB into new wordpress install - I changed the DB name on the new server so be sure to update that in the SQL dump (I also removed the create DB statement) 3. Copy over wp-content folder 4. Add some define statements and the like as specified here: http://codex.wordpress.org/Changing_The_Site_URL

So far things look to be working well. I can't see my old posts in WP Admin so that will be the next thing to figure out. I'm testing actual posting with this post, so we'll see how that goes.

Edit: that was fast (like under 60 seconds) creating a post made all of the other posts appear in WP admin, so assuming Jordan doesn't come home and find 1000 issues I think I'm done. Wee :)