
Hospital in Cusco, Peru

Daniel hadn't been feeling like himself for three days or so. He had some stomach woes and was a little on the exhausted side, but things were turning around. He ate a normal breakfast and lunch earlier in the day. We were in the middle of a nice dinner when things went south. He suddenly put his head in his hands, then stumbled away from the table and out of the restaurant. I was afraid that he was going to vomit, so I gave him a moment of privacy before going outside to check on him. I found him slumping on the sidewalk, sweating, pale, with dilated pupils and nearly passed out. He was able to talk, but not get up by himself. A passerby was kind enough to flag down a taxi and tell the driver which hospital to take us to, while a few guys helped get him into the backseat. I was scared, to say the least. During the drive, he started to come around. He was extraordinarily dizzy, with tingling arms and tongue, but he was talking normally and his head was no longer doing the creepy "I have no strength so I will just lul to the side" thing. By the time we reached the hospital, he still looked terrible but was able to walk himself in and tell the lady at the desk what was wrong. He sat down, while the woman made a phone call. "We are handling a large emergency and don't have room here," she said. "Wait five minutes, and an ambulance will be here to take you to the hospital down the road." At that point, I started to think dollar signs. We have travel insurance, but not full medical insurance. I told her that we would just take a taxi, and asked for the name of the other hospital. "That is not necessary, it will just be five minutes" she told me. "And the ambulance is free." ...Umm... ok. so we waited.


The ambulance arrived shortly after, and the woman who made the call accompanied us to the other hospital. When we got there, someone was waiting for us with a wheelchair and immediately wheeled him inside, up the elevator, and into the nicest private hospital room I have ever seen. There was a private lounge room with comfy chairs outside the actual room. Through the glass doors, the hospital room was complete with a TV, beautiful view of the city, a bed for me to sleep in, and a fresh towel and soap in case I wanted to freshen up. Once Daniel was in bed, a doctor came in with some sort of patient care administrator to introduce themselves. Both spoke excellent English. While the Doctor got Daniel's medical history and did an exam, I gave the administrator a driver's license. Within twenty minutes of when we arrived, the doctor had completed his exam.

Soon after, two nurses came in to start an IV and draw bloodwork. It took a few tries since Daniel's veins were not cooperating, but they managed. Someone also came to take an EKG (which we actually got to keep when he was discharged), get a urine sample, and give him meds. Once they left, it was apparent that we were going to be staying overnight. I decided to take a cab back to our hostal to get a change of clothes, cell phone charger, and kindles so that we could entertain ourselves. It was late, and I didn't immediately see any cabs outside the hospital. I went inside and the woman at reception asked if I needed help with something. They sent for the hospital police to escort me outside to flag a cab down, who waited for me while I gathered my things and brought me back to the hospital. Daniel started feeling much better once he had the IV and antibiotics, so we spent the evening watching the Olympics, reading, and resting.


The next morning during rounds, we found out that his bloodwork showed a bacterial infection, which they attributed to food poisoning, along with mild dehydration. He was discharged later in the day with antibiotics and stomach medication, feeling much better. When we went to pay, we had no idea what to expect. The entire ordeal cost us S/1.500, which works out to be about $570. Luckily, our travel insurance is going to cover the bulk of it, but even so, the level of care we received was phenominal and the cost was significantly lower than it would have been in the United States. We later found out that the floor he was on was dedicated solely to tourists, and that the doctor had spent time in the States (including Cleveland, Ohio... to which Daniel responded "I'm sorry!"). Most everyone who took care of him spoke English and did a nice job answering my pharmacisty questions.

I'm sure its not the last time one of us will need medical attention on the road. Having good travel insurance (which I will discuss in another post once we actually get reimbursed) is something that I am 100% glad that we spent the money on. I am also thankful to the kindness of strangers who helped us and basically held our hands through the process, and to the staff at Clinica San Jose, who were phenominal. It has been ten days ago now, and Daniel is feeling back to his usual self again.

Cusco, Peru


Cusco is situated at 11,000 feet above sea level in the southern mountains of Peru. It was the capital of the Inca empire from the 13th century to 1532, when it was overtaken by the Spanish. The city has a rich history, and is a declared UNESCO world heritage site. The architecture around Cusco is beautiful, as it retains many colonial plazas, buildings, and walls from the pre-Columbian era. As a common jumping off point to Machu Picchu, it is the most important tourist city in the country. From Cusco, it is easy to tour sites in the Sacred Valley with various agencies located all over the city.


Because it is so heavily toured by foreigners, we had mixed feelings. While the architecture and streets were phenominal and we found some great local eats, we often felt that the experience was a bit inauthentic. In the main plaza, for example, there was more English spoken than Spanish, and you could not walk more than a few meters without someone trying to sell you pictures, hats, or photos of their lamb. There was an abundance of American food and "tourist menus", and it was at times a bit difficult to find the good local areas. Also, everything within a few blocks of the main plaza was ridiculously overpriced.

I constantly had the feeling of being overcharged because of my skin color for everything from taxis, trains, food, and clothing. It was not uncommon for us to see signs posted with "local price" and "tourist price"... and the tourist price was always at least double. There was, however, a huge market (el mercado) where you could buy fruit, vegetables, cheeses, nuts, flowers, and handmade goods. There were a multitude of food stalls, but we didn't end up trying them because we went after already eating. I can vouch that the cashews from there are fantastic, though!


Usually when we visit a city, we like to do a day trip or two. Obviously, we visited Machu Picchu, which deserved a post of its own. We had planned to also visit the Incan ruins at Moray and Salinas, but didn't get the chance because Daniel ended up in the hospital with food poisoning and dehydration (more on that in another post). As far as other touristy destinations in the area are concerned, you have to buy a "boleto turistico" to get in for 130 soles each (about $50) - it is not possible to pay individually for only the sites you want to see. For most people visiting, it seems reasonably cheap... but it was a bit much for us to swallow after splurging on Machu Picchu, especially since we would not have come close to going to all of the included sites. Instead, we spent our time wandering around the city, enjoying the amazing weather, and generally relaxing. We also picked up some warm base layers and gloves, since it is getting colder the farther south we go. They should come in handy during some upcoming treks that we are planning.


All in all, we enjoyed our time in Cusco, but didn't feel like it was all that it is cracked up to be. We loved the architecture and history, but because it was so overly touristy, the experience was a little bit spoiled and we found it expensive. We visited at the height of peak season, so we may have enjoyed it more during a different time of year.

Nuts and Bolts:

Hostal: Home Sweet Home in San Blas neighborhood. 65 soles/night ($24.80), breakfast included. Nice private room/bathroom, but gets very cold at night. Situated high on a hill and has beautiful views of the city and mountains. The downfall: you have to walk up a TON of stairs to get there!

Transportation: Buy bus and train tickets a few days in advance, especially during high season, because they sell out. If getting a taxi out of the bus station, walk past the ones waiting in the station. There is a fee for taxis to get into the terminal area, and they pass that along to you. It is cheaper to grab a cab just outside the station.

Medical: If you are sick, go to Clinica San Jose. The hospital has a floor dedicated to tourists which is staffed by English speaking doctors. We received as good, if not better, care than in the United States.

Restaurants: If it is a place serving local food, ask for the "menu". They often give tourists a different, more expensive menu, unless you specifically ask for the menu. The menu is typically a three to five course meal for around 10-15 soles ($3.80-$5.75)

You can see the rest of our photos from Cusco on Flickr

Machu Picchu


We've seen a lot of sites off the beaten path so far on the trip. These have been some really amazing things, but our first "major" attraction was Machu Picchu (MP). MP isn't just an UNESCO world heritage site, but really a site of world renowned. MP wasn't found by the Spanish as they conquered the Incan empire, as opposed to many other ruins which were destroyed. As such, the site was remarkably intact and has been undergoing restoration almost since it was discovered. American archaeologist Hiram Bingham "discovered" the site in 1911, shown the site by locals who knew of it. It is Unequivocally worth the visit.

Actually, just go look at the (207!) pictures we took; that is the spectacular bit. Go right now, I'll wait… Great, weren't those fantastic? Jordan spent hours pouring through the over 500 images we shot, color correcting and thinning them to the best of the best.

We spent 2.5 days and 2 nights in Aguas Calientes, the city at the foot of MP. I'll discuss getting there and the logistics in the second half of the post. We arrived around 5:45AM to see the site before the throngs of tourists begin to pour in with their tours around 10AM. This allowed us to get some fantastic pictures in the beginning, almost entirely devoid of people. You'll notice that the further into the pictures you look, the more tourists will be present in the shots.


We followed a sign just on the left just after the entrance marked "largo" or "long" which lead up a steep set of stairs to the top of the growing terraces. From here you get a complete view of the city and the picture that you'll most see associated with the site. We spent a long time taking a lot of pictures from this area and saw the sunrise over the eastern mountains.


Afterwards we followed a path the the south with sign for "Inca Bridge". We hadn't heard about this before visiting the site and it isn't widely discussed that I've found afterwards when researching for this post. Inca Bridge is part of a path that leads west out of MP, it is essentially a draw bridge type structure cut into a cliff with a 1,900 foot drop beneath. This was used for protection of the city. I highly recommend the trip out to the site, it is really interesting. The path leading there has some very steep drop offs, without any kind of railing or walls for the most part, but it is well maintained.


After returning from the bridge, we took a bit of a break outside the gates before entering the city proper. We re-entered and began on the eastern edge of the city where most of the housing is located. We spent a long time wandering through this labyrinth of stonework. There are lots of different levels and pathways. Once finished there we our way to the northern part of the park where the entrance to Wayna Picchu (a sister site perched at the top of the mountain overlooking MP). Entrance to Wayna Picchu is limited to 400 people per day and unfortunately was completely booked weeks in advance, thus we weren't able to enter.

We then made our way to western portion of the site where various temples and some amazing stonework can be seen. At this point, it was around 1pm the site was really overwhelmed with people and we were exhausted. Jordan melted down by this tim and started running through the site. We began making our way to the exit after about 8 hours of exploring.

We got some ice cream and water at the park entrance for the typical, overpriced, tourist centric site prices ($3.44/dixie cup of ice cream and $3/bottle of water). After resting a bit, we began our descent down the stairs from MP to Agauas Calientes (we decided not to spend the $7/ticket to take the bus down the mountain). We ended up back at our hostel about 1.25 hours after departing.

Getting To Machu Picchu


This part of the post is entirely about getting to Machu Picchu (MP) from Cusco, Peru. We had a number of references that helped us along the way, but many failed to provide the most straightforward methods. It is important to note that no road connect to Aguas Calientes, the city you must leave from to get to MP. This leaves you with two options for entering the city: by train or on foot.

We'd originally considered a more economical and adventurous route by foot into the city. This would have involved leaving Cusco by bus to a city called Santa Maria then taking a taxi to Santa Teresa, a bus to the Hydroelectric Plant (!) and walking along the train track for 2 hours to Aguas Calientes. After figuring in various costs and how tiring this would be, we decided to take the train.

The train is vastly more expensive, but it is quick and comfortable. We spent $65 each for tickets from Ollanta which is a 1.5 hour collectivo ride from Cusco for $2.60 per person. This saved us a total of about $50 on our tickets to Aguas Calientes. On the return, we took the train all the way back to Cusco (actually Poroy, about 30 minutes outside Cusco) this was $84 per person and we had to pay $13.50 for a taxi back to the city.

You also need to get your tickets for MP; we chose to do this ahead of time in Cusco so that we were sure to get tickets. The only allow 2,500 people in per day and this is high season, they sell out daily. The easiest way to get tickets is as follows:

  1. Go to http://www.machupicchu.gob.pe/
  2. Select the date you want to visit and follow the prompts entering all your information
  3. This will give you a reservation, note your reservation number and read the rest of this post.

Once tickets for MP are reserved, there are a number of places that you can pay for them (you can't do it on the website at this time). I had read on one occasion that it might be possible to pay at Peru Rail offices, but this way isn't listed anywhere on the official site (or really on any of the guides we read). Since we had to buy tickets for the train we headed down to Plaza Armas in Cusco and waltzed into the Peru Rail office.

There we booked our train tickets and with our reservation number from the MP website we were able to pay for our MP tickets as well. They printed out both the Rail and MP tickets and sent us on our way. Ultimately, I can't think that there is really an easier way to get those tasks accomplished. (Of note, they also had two computers for use in the Peru Rail office that you could even accomplish the reservation portion of the MP ticket process as well)

We arrived in Aguas Calientes the afternoon before we wanted to go to MP, so that we could wake up early and be among the first to the site. We woke up at 4:15 AM to get to Machu Picchu. Our hostel (Supertramp, yea really) provided breakfast at 4:30 AM and we were out the door around 4:45. We headed to the bus station and got in line, we were close the front and would have been on the 4th bus or so up the mountain. However, as boarding started we were asked for our tickets, which we assumed we got at the front of the line. I ran back to the (UNMARKED) ticket office while Jordan held our spot in line (apparently she got grief from some folks in line while she waited at the front for my return). I quickly paid for the tickets and ran back to the front of the line and we boarded the bus.

I was worried that this might cause us to miss sunrise at the site, however we were able to get on a bus only 4 or 5 behind the one we might have otherwise gotten. An important point to remember is that "sunrise" is actually much later than actual sunrise because the sun must get over the mountains in the east. This ended up being a non-issue and we were there with plenty of time to spare.

I highly recommend getting up early to head to the site, it was vastly different just before 6 AM than it was once many of the day's tourists began to arrive.

Reminder to check our the whole set of pictures of Machu Picchu, they're fantastic.

Nuts and Bolts

Most of what I'd normally cover here was in the "Getting to Machu Picchu" section, but there are another couple things to note:

  • We stayed at Supertramp, they served a proper breakfast at 4:30AM with enough time to make it to the bus stop to be among the first at the site. However, they only have two private rooms which were booked. We stayed in dorms and people came into our dorm as late as 12AM and turned on lights in our room. If you can find another hostel that serves breakfast in the morning I'd recommend it.
  • Without question you should be getting up at 4 or 4:15 to make it to the site. The line for busses by 5:30AM when they start up the mountain was extraordinarily long. By noon the site was crazy and almost entirely filled with people.
  • I wound NOT recommend taking the stairs up to the site from Aguas Calientes. This is a well-maintained path, but it is stairs all the way up and the site has tons of stairs. We spent 8 hours walking up and down stairs and around the site, you want to be fresh for this. We walked down the stairs, it wasn't difficult at all and saved us $14