
Manning up

It has been months since I've made a post, and since Daniel finally did his, its my turn. This is going to be a pretty yawnworthy post completely about myself. Pretty much everyone who knows me knows that I love to run. I can distinctly remember my first run. I was 10 years old and my grandpa let me run a mile with him at the bike path at Zane's Landing. We didn't stop for any walk breaks, and I thought it was the greatest thing ever. I ran little distances here and there with my grandpa through junior high, and we did a few 5-k and 10-k runs together. Freshman year of highschool, I joined the cross country team and ran all four years. I was never too fast or competitive, but loved the sport for what it was. When I got to college, i decided that I wanted to challenge myself and tackle a half marathon. My first half was in Columbus in the middle of august... big mistake! It was 90 degrees and the course had very little shade. Two years later I decided to try again and ran the Glass City half marathon. It was in early April, and once again plagued with hot weather. After having been in the 30s and 40s for months, race day was a freakish 85 degree day. After the race, I promptly ignored running for the wedding, honeymoon, work, and everything else that has gone on in the last 10 months.

Last week I saw that registration for the Chicago Marathon was opening and once again, caught the running bug. I went ahead and registered for my first full marathon! I completely whimped out this winter and have only been running here and there, usually on the dreadmill. I decided that it was time to man up, get outside, and get back to regular running. I went out today and it was perfect. Still a few inches of snow on the ground and crisp cold air but not too windy.

I haven't decided on my exact training plan yet, but am leaning towards hal higdon's. I followed his intermediate plan for both of my halfs and felt well prepared each time. I am thinking about doing the half training up until the point of the 9-mile long run, then switching to the marathon plan. This will make it about 20 weeks of training. In the meantime, I am just going to focus on rebuilding my base and staying injury-free.

The race isn't until Oct10, so there is plenty of time to go, but I am glad to have a new goal in mind. In the meantime, I want to rewatch Spirit of the Marathon. For those who haven't seen it, it is pretty motivational. It follows people of different abilities (a first timer, an old guy, and elites) through their training and race day for a Chicago marathon. 8 months and counting!

Job, iPad, Chrome Extension

Well, it has been quite a while since posting last. Since then Christmas with the Fam has gone and past and we've started a new year. Jordan has been bugging me to make a post recently (not that she has really been doing any of her own) so I decided that I'd provide a little update on some things that have been going on that I think are interesting.

First and foremost - I've got a new job effective this coming Monday! I'm now the Senior Business Analyst for the Online Services group at FTD. I'm quite excited about the change and can't wait to get going in the new role. I was in the support group for nearly 3 years (2 months shy) and it was time for a change. I'm still dealing with the online services group but serving a different function.

Also, Jordan didn't post this when it occurred, but she also got a permanent store in December. This means that she isn't trekking all over Chicagoland to a different store each day. This actually occurred sooner than either of us really expected but is a great imporvement for her. She was having to drive an hour plus to get to the stores she was floating at previously.

Other than that there hasn't been much else going on - just plugging away at work.

On the technology front there was the big debut of the Apple iPad this week. I'm still torn if I'm going to buy it. If you've followed it at all you know that the expectations before it came out ranged from 'Jesus Tablet' to Dominator of Worlds. The reality was much more down to earth and many many many tech followers are very dissapointed about the thing. Personally, I think the form factor and technology shows great promise and I know I'll be buying some tablet eventually. However, the iPad has a few limitations that are painfully lacking:

  • Multitasking - this sounds like a nerdy thing until  I provide an example. I can't have IM open AND browse the web... something so basic and yet it cannot be accomplished without multitasking. This is my largest sticking point.
  • Touchpack -dialkeys
  • No Flash - Again, techy sounding until I ask if you watch video on Hulu, the NBC website, or listen to Pandora on the web. None of these are possible on the tablet - this is an ABSOLUTE deal breaker for Jordan who probably uses 40-60% of her time on the web watching TV shows.
  • Touch Keyboard - I was expecting some new input method for text on the tablet. I don't want a hardware keyboard, all Apple did was take the iPhone keyboard and make it ginormous. This isn't a solution. Someone did put out a decent solution a few years ago and it was **GASP** Microsoft. They called it Dial Keys and you can see at the right - I would have much preferred an input method like that.
  • Enormous Bezel - the huge black border around the screen - some will say it is so that you can hold the thing - I ask them why the iphone doesn't have it... because it isn't needed for that purpose. While the tech to bring the screen to the edge may be difficult and the space might be needed for internals - I don't really care, I expected better design from Apple
  • No camera - I expected a forward facing camera for video chat - not a deal break by any stretch - but would have been nice

Despite all of this I'm considering purchasing the device. The reality is that no one has a device on the same level of what Apple showed this week and I think that over time it will grow just as the iPhone did. Plus they blew everyone with the entry pricepoint at $499, if I buy one it will be at that price.

Finally, I've been working on an extension for Google Chrome. Once Chrome started supporting extensions I've moved over to it entirely as my primary browser. There are still some items that I prefer Firefox for, but in general I find chrome to be faster and prefer the UI. The extension is called TbSvr (Tab saver) and I use it as a quick bookmark replacement extension. It is still in early development but it has given me something to do on weekends when Jordan is working and keeps me fresh on javascript. I also enjoy seeing how many people download it.

If you're reading this blog on using internet explorer - do yourself (with regard to PC security) and web developers (Microsoft doesn't follow many standards on the web) a favor by downloading Firefox or Chrome.