

Now that the house is under contract, we’ve hammered out a tentative timeline for the rest of our time in Illinois. For a few days, my head would spin just thinking about it. For whatever reason, I tried to avoid having a conversation about it. Eventually, we had to sit down and talk about it objectively and I feel better having some dates in mind. March 13: Move. Most likely into a long term stay hotel. March 16: Close on the house March 19: Daniel gives 4 week notice at work April 13: Jordan gives 2 week notice at work April 28: Jordan runs Illinois marathon

May 14: Last day of work for both of us

…wait… what? Yes, you read it right, I registered for another marathon. Before we went under contract, I was throwing around the idea of a spring marathon. With everything trip related so up in the air, I wanted to have something productive to focus on. I like the consistency of following a training program. I still have the lingering goal of breaking 4 hours after coming so close in Columbus last fall. There are several people from my running club who are doing it. All of these reasons, coupled with some peer pressure on a Sunday GER run, gave me the push I needed to register. Once we started going over our tentative timeline, the marathon fit perfectly. Having my running as an outlet while everything I know is changing should help me keep my sanity during this crazy time.

Of course, the timeline is only a guide. Depending on Daniel’s work review, how his job takes the news, if the house actually closes on time, finances, and about a million other things between now and then… the dates may change. But for now, it feels good to have a plan for the next few months.

"Daniel... we have a problem..."

…these were the words uttered from my mouth when I checked my email to find the subject line “FWD: OFFER ON *address”. I had just stepped out of the shower and checked my phone. I was standing there with dripping wet hair, wrapped in my towel, and a deer in headlights look plastered across my face. I’m not even sure if I was reading the email or just staring at it. Daniel asked me a few times what was wrong, and I finally told him. We have an offer.

Seriously? “We have a problem”… THAT is my reaction?! I have no idea what made me respond like that. The offer ended up being $13,500 below our list price, which was far outside of our comfort zone. Even at full asking price, we anticipated bringing about $30k to closing. For the last few weeks, we have toyed back and forth with the idea of renting. We talked it out and decided that we had to come fairly close to our asking price to accept an offer. Our realtor called, and advised us on a fair counter offer that the buyer would likely accept without a lot of back and forth. Except the number he came up with didn’t work for us. So we countered at $2k below asking, and would include our furniture in the price. We were asked if it was worth losing the buyer over, and said yes.

The next few hours were probably the most anxiety ridden of my life. I felt nauseous, hands sweaty, with a lump the size of a baseball in my throat. We watched an episode of Glee on Hulu to pass the time. We took a drive just to get out of the house for a bit. After two long hours, our realtor let us know that the buyer was in class for the night and we wouldn’t hear back until morning. Lovely. A night of no sleep was in store for us.

Fast forward to the morning. I woke up grumpy and tired after tossing around all night. Checked my email: nothing. We discussed what our plan would be if/when we got a counter offer. We both headed to work on edge, trying our best to put on a normal face for our coworkers. I compulsively checked my email and around 10am, we had another counter offer. Our realtor said the offer was very strong, at $5,500 below list price and excluded furniture. We still had our heart stuck our our original number, and countered again.

On our way to dinner, we called our realtor to see if there were any updates. Seventeen minutes later (who was counting?), the buyer gave a final offer of $3k below listing with the furniture included. “Done” was the first and only word out of my mouth. He started giving us his realtor “fluff” about how this was a final offer and we would be unlikely to find someone else to pay that price. After a minute or so, Daniel and interjected. “We said done. As in done deal. Yes”.

…and the weight of the world has fallen off of our shoulders. The anchor keeping us here has been cut free. After months of struggling with indifference and being in limbo, we are moving forward. I am both excited and terrified!