I admit it... I have a "thing" for etsy. You can find just about anything and the prices are usually pretty reasonable. I have been eyeballing a new purse since the beginning of July, but it was July. Daniel and I decided that we needed to implement a spending freeze for the month of July because between moving, the wedding, and the honeymoon... it was starting to add up. I have needed a new purse for ooooh, lets call it two years. My purse is a ratty, filthy bag that is falling apart, but I could never part with it because it was the perfect shape. I have been casually looking for a new one on and off since last winter. The criteria? No leather, no bling, no words all over it, less than $50, not too huge, not too small, and not ugly. The hubs took note when I first mentioned said etsy purse, and it arrived on our doorstep last week. *pause for awwwwwwww!* Here she is in all her glory...
New Purse