On Goals

I’m not a fan of resolutions, they feel like an excuse for why something wasn’t changed previously. A resolution to me is just a promise with myself, waiting to be broken. That said, I’m a big fan of goals and the end of the year is a great time to look back at what you’ve accomplished, what you’re working towards, and finding new goals. It is imperative that I begin working towards these goals immediately, today if possible. This isn’t a promise for something that starts tomorrow, it is an action plan that I begin working on today.

2011 Completed Accomplishments

  1. Finished paying off school loans
  2. Finished saving for the trip
  3. Finished saving for the trip’s recovery fund

2011 Incomplete Goals (keep after these in 2012)

  1. Sell the house (again for the trip)

2012 New goals

  1. Quit job (after selling house)
  2. Leave for trip (after quitting job)
  3. Save more - Already increased monthly transfers to savings account by $500. First transfer will be January 2nd when the banks open.
  4. Read the Investor’s Manifesto again.
  5. Fully fund our IRA again.

[BONUS POINTS] Make it to the trip without my car dying and needing to be replaced.

Should be an eventful year.