Just in case I haven't made it perfectly clear, I have a love affair with paint and a hatred for honey oak. When we bought our home, I never noticed the huge monstosity that is our ironing board built into the wall in the hallway. If it was behind closed doors in the laundry room, I would have probably let it go, but it is the first thing you see when you walk up the stairs. How did I miss it? I have absolutely no idea. Daniel still claims that he doesn't ever notice it, but it is been driving me crazy. What to do? I rummaged around in the attic (approx temp: boiling) and managed to find a gallon of paint that looked like it matched the trim and doors in our house. It was 4 years old and had been probably frozen and boiled through 4 years of winters and summers, so using it was out. I trekked over to ACE hardware (my store-of-choice for cabinet/wood paint) and had them mix up a quart. I think it is a lot less noticable now, and Daniel still claims that he doesn't notice it. At least it doesn't stick out like a sore thumb anymore.. Before/After:
A small victory over an ironing board